Ramen Noodle Crap

Ramen Noodle Crap

Servings: 4 meals
Cooking time: 20ish minutes

An adult meal inspired by a college budget. Original recipe by Sandra and Tom Munoz.




In a large pot, brown the ground beef.


Once beef is browned, take the ramen, break it in half, and add those ramen squares into the pot. Also add in tomatoes and corn.


Use the empty tomato can and fill it with water. Pour that water into the pot so that at least some of the ramen is in water.


Try to keep the noodles submerged in the pot without breaking them so they can absorb the moisture. Once ramen noodles are cooked, move them out of the way so that the noodles at the top cook as well.


Once noodles are cooked, add in one flavor packet from the ramen package. Continue heating until some water evaporates. If too dry, add a bit more water. It is easier to use tongs to move noodles around and scoop out.